Tuesday, 15 May 2007

My eyes

Someone mentioned to daddy that they've never seem my eyes from the pics on here so far?! Well here's a quickie to appease you all, my admiring faithful:

More to follow soon.



Tim said...

wow axel tell manny he has gone real soft kissing and snugglin with cats..next think manny will b crossin his legs heheh

Daisy said...

Axel, you are very handsome!

Axel and Manny said...

Ah thanks- I take after my daddy (he's hiding his face behind mine)

Aye Timmy, daddy's a big macho man!! Just coz he wax's and luvs his little-man... well yeah ok, he's maybe a bit soft these days :P

Mr. Hendrix said...

aw, that is a very nice photo. Mommy calls it a "framer" cause it should get framed. You're certainly a good example of a ManCat, kitty chicks dig that sensitive side we show.

Monica said...

That's a nice picture with your eyes open this time. I can see that you have been very busy making your banner. It's very nice.

Mr. Hendrix said...

Hi Axel, I'm totally belated with this (and see Pablo already did) but i tagged you for the 7 random things MeMe too). Can't wait to see your list!

The Crew said...

I have the same problem with my eyes in pictures 'cause they always look squinty or like I'm half asleep!

If you're cold, have you thought about getting a jacket? Lots of cats wear them. You can get one that's very fashionable and will make an impression on the ladies!

Maxwell Smartkitty

Lux said...

What a nice picture! I like your new banner, too ...

Christine and FAZ said...

I'm still not sure I can see your eyes in this picture either but that doesn't matter. Have fun in the sun. FAZ

Axel and Manny said...

yeah i need some better pics- daddy need to help me scan my older photos to digimatize them...

im still working on the banner, i cant seem to make the 'axels farm' text a different color from the description :(

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Your banner is great, Axel! Awesome picture. You're the only vineyard patrolcat I know!

Daisy said...

Guess what? I tagged you for a meme all about your favorite things. Go to my page for details, if you want to play!

World of Animals, Inc. said...

Hey, Axel. It's great to see you and your daddy having such a lovely photo together. We love seeing how happy both of you are with each other. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful rest of your week.
World of Animals