I just gotta tell this to everyone! Its busting out of me! I just gotta tell it to anyone who will listen!!
Daddy was on a long walk today- right around the boundary of the whole farm. He is putting together an evaluation of all the fences, and getting prices on new materials to replace\repair it all.
It is quire common to see feral rabbits, kangaroos, the odd possum or fox. Wombats are everywhere and are actually quite a problem here.
But, when waltzing thru the bushy area right on the back paddock, he bumped into a deer!! Incredible!! Its unheard of in this part of Victoria. He said that at first he thought it was a cow, because it was very big and brown, and the neighbours cattle often come thru the fences. Then it saw daddy, and ran away very fast.
This is the bit I really like, daddy is soooo brave and macho. (ahem) He got his, um, 'camera', in order to, 'take a photo', of it. It was of course a long way off by now, into the forest. But daddy is a seasoned bush-man and a good tracker. He found its trail, and started to track her. (its a 'her', it had only snubs for horns) He said it was quite hard, because the tracks are similar to other animals that roam the same grounds. But deer tread their left and right hoof's very close together. He tracked it for 2 hours, but had to leave her to be, it was getting dark and he knew I was getting hungry back home...